Dear commenter (I don't know how to write your name),
it's rather strange to me that you should think I was mocking any one, let alone any one who doesn't agree with me. You write:
This is just preaching to the choir. You don’t actually provide a good reason to believe in “consciousness,” you just suspect some followers are already convinced of it, so you use it to poison the well by saying, “oh, this person doesn’t believe in consciousness, so you should just dismiss his ideas.”
I mock readers, I insult their intelligence, I poison the well. It seems I have struck a nerve with you. But, what I find strange is that while you take very strong exception to what I write, particularly that I make "zero effort" of convincing anyone, that you should only complain about my position without offering any explanation or rationale for your own.
If you do care to respond, which I suspect you will not, I encourage you to offer the reasons why you reject free will and also why this argument against determinism is so annoying to you.