Don, I much appreciate this feedback and appreciate the compliments on my writing. You are very right that I need to have the science right if what I write is to have any credibility. With that, I'm not sure I can agree with you that science has ruled out the role of the conscious mind. I am not sure if you have studied the von Neumann-Wigner interpretation of quantum mechanics. Von Neumann as I'm sure you know was considered one of the absolute most brilliant of all time. He was quite clear on this and physicist Henry Stapp (also videos on YouTube) has explored this interpretation even more. For Stapp, since the brain is part of the quantum setup in measurement, it can only be consciousness that has the effective power of the "collapse". I realize all this continues to be very much up to interpretation, but I think some caution is needed before concluding that science is settled or resolved on the measurement problem. I will do this in deference to you, and Sender Spike, as I have high regard for both of you and your knowledge and experience: I will not suggest as strongly as I did that science "proves" the existence of consciousness through the mesaurement problem. But I will continue to refer to this as one possibile explanation for what is still a continuing mystery and controversy.