Graham, great job on this in-depth exploration of Carl Jung and his ideas on religion, spirituality, etc. I'm hoping I can take a more careful look at your whole series and respond with some thoughts from a traditional Christian theological point of view. One question, though. As I recall from before you have identified with Gnositicm yourself to some degree and seem very sympathetic to Gnostic ideas. One of the important teachings of Gnosticism in my understanding is the separation of spirit and matter. Matter is inherently and unchangeably evil which separates God entirely from it. Is this correct? And is this your understanding? If so, I'm interested in how this works with your view expressed last week or so that life is consciousness and consciousness is all there is. This seems to be a monistic viewpoint where Gnosticism in separating God and goodness from matter and evil is dualistic. Maybe you can enlighten me.