I believe the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with whole heart, mind, soul and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Obedience makes us lifeless zombies? If you are a parent I doubt you considered the obedience of your children to mean their brains went dead. And if you issued commands to be obeyed, I suspect you did that out of love and concern for them.
Sin is believing we are not like God? So the sin of Adam and Eve was that they stopped believing that they were like God? If they had kept believing they were like God there would be no violence, evil, etc.? What makes more sense to me is that we tend to think we are like God and doing so we take control over all that we can and do what we think we have the right and power to do. I think it was God who said: Be still and know that I am God. I don't think he said: Make noise and know that you are God.