If science can’t provide the answers, on what will we build our worldviews?

Gerald R. Baron
14 min readDec 31, 2022
The vacuum of answers that science fails to provide leads to a nova. Could this become supernova with a collapse into a blackhole of beliefs in our future?

The truth is science today cannot provide the answers we crave for what is real and what is true. But it is also true that many today continue to believe that it does. That has real consequences for worldviews and therefore how we think and act.

Science as the new authority

Since the late 17th century our culture has turned to science to answer the pressing questions of what is real and what is true. The remarkable success of the method developed to understand our world enabled science to triumph over religion in providing the answers. Famous scientists and philosophers assumed the role of popes and preachers as the most credible authorities on the questions of what is real.

Science has indeed provided us with immense knowledge and remarkable benefits. We live safer, healthier, and more comfortable lives than ever. Because of that, we still believe science is the ultimate source of answers to the big questions like: what is nature of the universe that we live in, where did it come from, what is it made of, how does it work? All these lead to the questions of who we are, what our purpose might be and what happens to us when we die.

This post was motivated by a few recent articles published on Medium and Quanta Magazine. A…



Gerald R. Baron

Dawdling at the intersection of faith, science, philosophy and theology.