Mr. Lennox, you wish to pit science against faith. But is that justified? Do you accept the idea of the multiverse? If so, what empirical evidence can you provide for that? Do you believe that life began by natural causes alone? If so, you are demonstrating faith that despite monumental effort, chemical evolution has so far proven incapable of explaining natural causes. Albert Einstein had faith in his strong conviction of a steady state universe and when a Belgian priest by the name of Lemaitre challenged this idea using Einstein’s own theory, Einstein rudely rebuffed him and said his faith in a creator was clouding his judgment about physical reality. Lemaitre was right and Einstein had to admit his faith was misplaced. Faith can mislead, it can help reveal. You say that faith doesn’t alter its conclusions. That is dogmatism, certainly a form of faith, but not faith. You have faith and I have faith, just in different things.