Thanks Bob, I appreciate the distinctions you made between the eastern and western ideas of evil, and I need to think on that. I did want to respond to the comment about Christians accepting Jesus as savior. Jesus said Abraham is in heaven, but he lived about 2500 years before Jesus. There are many other OT characters, such as Enoch and Moses, who never knew Jesus but are clearly OK. What is meant by “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me” is far more complex than that. C.S. Lewis, in my mind, has the best explanations including post-death opportunities. I do believe that as Paul says “at the name of Jesus all knees will bow.” And perhaps, as Lewis shows in The Great Divorce, there may be some who continue to refuse. Lewis said there are two kinds, those who say to God thy will be done, and those to whom God says, finally, thy will be done.