Thanks for the response, L.A. I don't have much of a problem living with uncertainty and I am not certain that God exists. But I do believe it, and I believe I believe it based on the evidence as I see and understand it. I may be wrong, I may be right, and don't believe I will know if I am until I cross the chasm. That chasm may prove to be a dead end, in which case I won't know. But, I believe...
So, we agree that knowing for certain is impossible. Our difference is in how we view the evidence that supports our belief. Atheists tend to think, as this article starts out, that all the evidence is on the side of atheism. What these scientists say and what I have tried to show in my over 100 posts on Medium, is that that assumption is false. I believe atheists need to have another look at the evidence and see what science is really telling them, rather than what physicalist advocates like Dawkins, Brian Greene, and others say it is telling us.