Thanks for this JR. I am a writer on Medium (170+ posts) mostly on science, philosophy, and theology. As others have noted, the term "Christian writer" can be confusing. For many it means writing on Christian themes and beliefs that are of interest only to other believers. I like C.S. Lewis' comment that the best books on any subject ideally would be written by Christians. I would say I am a writer on Medium who is a Christian (a rather orthodox one at that), but who writes not specifically for a Christian audience, but for anyone who is interested in what science can tell us about the nature of our world, our lives and the God who created it all and restores it. The fact that there are a great many on Medium who have strong feelings against Christianity makes it a great place to engage with anyone who shares an interest in thoughts and ideas about ultimate reality. My primary publication is called Top Down or Bottom Up as I try to deal with the question of whether science leads us to a belief in physicalism (the idea there is no reality other than matter and forces) or one that includes a transcendent reality, and specifically a creator God who intended us.