Thanks Geoff, a couple of comments on your response. As Bohm and Hiley's version is an interpretation of quantum phenomena, the idea of decoherence answering the question of the quantum to classical transition also is. I note the authors of the paper on decoherence noted that it does not solve the measurement problem. Further, it does not dissolve the quantum superposition state. As I understand it, certain information about the quantum element "leaks" into the environment. I'm not sure how this solves the classical-quantum conundrum.
Regarding mind, your reference to microtubules is about the Penrose-Hameroff theory of ORCH OR, where the quantum state operating at the basic level of neuro cells is used to explain consciousness. It seems an interesting idea and often referenced in any discussion of the relationship between consciousness and quantum physics, however, it seems far from accepted as an explanation for how matter produces mind. The mystery remains from my understanding.
As for life and autopoiesis, I would refer you to my recent post (and one I am about to post) on the Walker-Cronin ideas on abiogensis. In my view they do a far better job than most in recognizing the very severe limitations (impossibility) of current understandings of physics and chemistry in creating life. They pose a new idea where time is a physical entity, but if you read my comments on this, I don't think they provide very strong support for that rather innovative idea.