Thanks Schmidtalex for a truly amazing and fascinating response. I have to tell you I feel like I have been on a narrow mountain road struggling to get to the top and when I get there i find you sitting there eating a donut. So much of what you say here seems consistent with my thoughts, but much to unpack. Have you detailed some of these ideas in posts? If so, I need to go back and read a bunch of them.
I love your idea of the "eye" of God opening. I wonder if you read my post on zimzum or are familiar with this idea introduced by Jewish mystic Isaac Luria and given serious attention by Protestant theologian Moltmann? Here God, who is infinite and maybe can be understood as a field of being, retracts to make room for creation. I am in the middle of a series on the Holy Spirit and I was surprised to discover the mystics and Christian theologians linking science and faith who refer to the Spirit as the field of force, the creative force, the "tensor" that holds energy in place to allow for our reliable world, and all that. Further, I am intrigued with the idea of the universal consciousness, or mind of God, that can be understood as the Spirit as well.
It's intriguing that while we may be taking different paths in our search for what is real and true, we seem to be landing in much the same place. (That being said, I don't see how the current ideas of Big Bang interfere with this direction.)