Member-only story
The Resurrection, Allegory and Easter Bunnies
This is a response to Graham Pemberton’s latest post continuing an ongoing discussion about the resurrection of Jesus. Graham prefers an allegorical understanding and here I respond to this as an alternative to a historical fact understanding.
Hello Graham, once again you have honored me and my thoughts on these issues with an in-depth and thoughtful response. Hearing your answers to some of my questions and issues raised has helped me gain a better understanding of you and where you stand. For example, the reference to circumambulation is quite helpful (haven’t gotten into the book on Jung yet but looking forward to it. Busy reading Nick Bostrom’s book on superintelligences — scary).
It’s also helpful to have you explain a bit about your motivations on this. As you seek to free people from their existing beliefs that you think are limiting them or harming them, I seek to do the same. Augustine and Anselm were right when they expressed the credo ut intellegam, or “I believe so that I may understand.” In my experience, the beliefs I hold in a creator and in the coming restoration of creation provides the most fundamental and profound basis for my understanding of reality — including myself and my role in this world. I suspect you would say something very similar about your beliefs.