Will Christianity Survive?

Gerald R. Baron
6 min readOct 23, 2022
Image: Wikipedia. Priests of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church

This is part of the series on the reformation of Christianity which involves a discussion on Medium including Graham Pemberton and Prudence Louise. Tangentially it also involves Keith Michael.

Talking about reformation suggests that Christianity will change but will survive. But is that true? It depends, of course, on what one means by Christianity. Keith Michael argues for a faith that is stripped of nearly everything that contemporary Western culture finds objectionable, at least as I understand his writing. This includes use of the Bible as an authoritative source of revelation, Jesus’s divinity and role in restoration as is understood by Christians, the Church’s history and leaders, and most of all, anything the Apostle Paul says. Paul, it turns out, according to Pastor Michael, actually taught worship of a pagan god named Mithras. Oh, and Paul was a killer, too.

Michael knows how to attract readers on Medium and his articles very strongly — I should say, viciously — attacking orthodox Christianity are very popular. He says it is his goal to reform Christianity, but the Christianity that would emerge from the tirades against the Church, the Bible, and the writers of the Bible is nothing that would attract me, nor I think most others. I may be wrong, but if this form of Christianity is what survives, let it die. History has shown that the demythologizing effort of…



Gerald R. Baron

Dawdling at the intersection of faith, science, philosophy and theology.